I'm ready to share his story. I'm ready to tell the world about my sweet miracle baby, but I must start from the beginning.
In October of 2011, we found out we were pregnant. We didn't have any difficulty conceiving. We had been trying to conceive for three months, and BANG....we were pregnant.
My pregnancy went smoothly. Naturally, being pregnant for the first time was an experience and I was scared most of the time. I tried taking people's advice to "enjoy the pregnancy", but it was difficult. I'm a natural worrier. It's what I do. So of course, I did what I do best and that's WORRY. To deal with the worry and journal the pregnancy I began a secret baby blog called landofbabymaybe.blogspot.com
On November 15th, we heard our sweet baby's heartbeat for the first time. IT WAS SO STRONG AND LOUD. Tears began streaming down my face when it was confirmed that there was ONE sac and a good strong heartbeat. God is SO GOOD, I thought to myself. I turned to my husband who was smiling from ear to ear, and I continued to weep softly. The love my husband and I have for each other manifested itself into a sweet little sac with a heartbeat in my womb, and it was beautiful.
My monthly appointments continued to go well. I had routine ultrasounds and monitoring of the heartbeat, and on December 7th, we announced our pregnancy to the world. It was not only announced to our school faculty (I'm a teacher), but my husband and I announced to the internet via Facebook. We were overwhelmed by the amount of congratulatory wishes on our pregnancy. We couldn't have been more excited to share our bundle of blessings to the world.
Christmas of 2011 was extra special. Our families blessed us with many gifts that were baby centered, and we couldn't help but imagine what the next Christmas would be like for us as a family of three. We laughed as we thought about the fact that this Christmas was the last for us to receive gifts and that our sweet baby would be the center of attention from here on out.
In January, we found out the sex of our child. While visiting the Love My Baby Bump 3D spa, we were told that our bundle of love was a BOY!! We were ecstatic, I had a hunch that my baby was a boy, and to have it confirmed was truly AWESOME. My father, who had longed for a son, cried as he saw the image of his grandson on the screen. My husband was truly in shock and was totally speechless. My mother was just in love with the baby on the screen and screamed with delight after hearing the announcement, she immediately called my sister to share the news with her. I could hear my sister screaming through the phone. . It was good times for all. Unfortunately, my father-in-law could not be in attendance, but he was called to hear the great news, and he was beyond HAPPY. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law were so excited as well. Happy feelings were flowing all around.
February was a big month for the Johnson Family. We were approaching the half way mark of our pregnancy. And on February 10th we had our 20 week ultrasound. It was supposed to be Feb. 3rd but there was a mix up between my Ob-Gyn and the Imagining center. The hubby met me after school at our appointment, and we sat and laughed talking about our sweet boy and his activeness. We were so excited to see him again, and hear his sweet heartbeat. We went in for our ultrasound and waited for the our disc to take home. This is NOT what happened.
After our ultrasound, we returned to the waiting room, and were called back to the ultrasound room shortly thereafter. Immediately, my heart SANK. Literally it sank to the floor!! The radiologist told us that my cervix was shortened and that I was leaking fluid, and we needed to report to labor and delivery at Gateway Hospital. We grabbed our things, and my husband drove like a bat out of hell towards the hospital. The hospital was only a few miles away, but it felt like a 200. We got there, and checked in. As we drove to the hospital, I called my mom and my best friend, who showed up at the hospital shortly after receiving my call. My sister was also called, and she began to share with me some research about the procedure she thought I would have to have.
We had to have another ultrasound done, and our sweet baby boy seemed okay. He wasn't distressed and I wasn't showing any signs of labor. However, after a exam of cervix, it was determined that I needed a cerclage. The doctor who didn't have the best bedside manner, informed us that no matter what we decided (either to have the cerclage or not), we would lose our sweet boy. I began screaming and wailing, and then I suddenly stopped. I got this peace that I had never felt before. God touched me at that very moment, and told me that everything was going to be alright. I had the procedure done, and it was found discovered that my cervix was dilated to 2 cm. However, none of the concerns that the doctor told us were present. We were relieved and grateful.
After receiving the cerclage, I remained in the hospital overnight for observation and was released in the morning. I was on bedrest from Feb. 10 until my next appointment on Feb. 15th, and on that day I was told that I would be on the bedrest until my due date of June 20th. I was so sad. I couldn't see my students who I loved. I couldn't visit friends, shop, eat out, drive, or do ANYTHING. My parents suggested that we move in with them, and we did. We lived with them for a little over a month, and to say it was interesting would be the understatement of the year. It was not the greatest time of my life, and having depression during that time didn't have make it any easier. My month of bedrest and surprising turn events will be in the next post......STAY TUNED!!
Oh my goodness.... how am I just now learning of this?!