Langston is home! He came home weighing 9 pounds 1 ounce. Mr. Man was welcomed home on July 4th. It has been fun having him home. I didn't realize how much having him home would change our lives, but he has truly changed our lives for the better.
I'm not sure where I left off with Langston's health, but he came home on a poly-vitamin and gas drops. He has a complete bill of health. We attended his first NICU Follow-Up visit on the 18th and Mr. Man was 10 pounds 2 ounces. His first pediatrician's appointment was July 06th and at that appointment he weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces.
Langston spent 109 days in the NICU. He received four blood transfusions, was placed on a ventilator twice, was CPAP and Vapotherm for several weeks of life. He was diagnosed with medically managed NEC, and had a ECHO and several ultrasounds. He has been through it. Throughout his stay, he has been pricked, poked, and prodded without fail. We truly believed that he is our miracle baby. We love him beyond measure.
We baptized Langston on Sunday, the 22nd. Here are some of our favorite pics:
Langston's Poppi baptized him! |
Pre-baptism outfit! Gotta love the hat! |
How Sweet! |